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Compare proper names across two sources using string-standardization to account for variation in punctuation, accents, and character case, token-permutation to account for variation in name order, and fuzzy matching to handle alternate spellings. The specific steps are:

  1. Standardize strings. The default function is name_standardize which removes accents and punctuation, standardizes case, and removes extra whitespace. E.g. "Brontë, Emily J." is standardized to "BRONTE EMILY J".

  2. Tokenize standardized names, optionally retaining only tokens larger than a given nchar limit.

  3. For each pair of names, calculate string distance between all combinations of tokens, and find the best overall token alignment (i.e. the alignment that minimizes the summed string distance). If two names being compared differ in their number of tokens, the alignment is made with respect to the smaller number of tokens. E.g. If comparing "Angela Dorothea Merkel" to "Merkel Angela", the token "Dorothea" would ultimately be omitted from the best alignment.

  4. For each pair of tokens in the best alignment, classify whether or not the tokens match (TRUE/FALSE) based on their respective lengths and the string distance between them.

  5. Summarize the number of tokens in each name, the number of tokens in the best alignment, the number of aligned tokens that match, and the summed string distance of the best alignment.

  6. Classify overall match status (TRUE/FALSE) based on the match details described in (5). By default, two names are considered to be matching if two or more tokens match across names (e.g. "Merkel Angela" matches "Angela Dorothea Merkel"), or if both names consist of only a single token which is matching (e.g. "Beyonce" matches "Beyoncé").


  token_split = "[-_[:space:]]+",
  nchar_min = 2L,
  dist_method = "osa",
  std = name_standardize,
  return_full = FALSE,
  eval_fn_token = match_eval_token,
  eval_fn = match_eval,
  eval_params = list(n_match_crit = 2),
  token_freq = NULL


x, y

Vectors of proper names to compare. Must be of same length.


Regex pattern to split strings into tokens. Defaults to "[-_[:space:]]+", which splits at each sequence of one more dash, underscore, or space character.


Minimum token size to compare. Defaults to 2L.


Method to use for string distance calculation (see stringdist-metrics). Defaults to "osa".


Function to standardize strings during matching. Defaults to name_standardize. Set to NULL to omit standardization.


additional arguments passed to std()


Logical indicating whether to return data frame with full summary of match details (TRUE), or only a logical vector corresponding to final match status (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE.


Function to determine token match status. Defaults to match_eval_token. See section Custom classification functions for more details.


Function to determine overall match status. Defaults to match_eval. See section Custom classification functions for more details.


List of additional arguments passed to eval_fn


Optional data frame containing the frequencies of name tokens within the population of interest. Must have two columns

  • token_std: standardized tokens (using the same function as std)

  • freq: token frequency


If return_full = FALSE (the default), returns a logical vector indicating which elements of x and y are matches.

If return_full = TRUE, returns a tibble-style data frame summarizing the match details, including columns:

  • is_match: logical vector indicating overall match status

  • k_x: number of tokens in x (excludes tokens smaller than nchar_min)

  • k_y: number of tokens in y (excludes tokens smaller than nchar_min)

  • k_align: number of aligned tokens (i.e. min(k_x, k_y))

  • n_match: number of aligned tokens that match (i.e. distance <= dist_max)

  • dist_total: summed string distance across aligned tokens


names1 <- c(
  "Angela Dorothea Merkel",
  "Emmanuel Jean-Michel Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Macron",
  "Mette Frederiksen",
  "Katrin Jakobsd\u00f3ttir",
  "Pedro S\u00e1nchez P\u00e9rez-Castej\u00f3n"

names2 <- c(
  "MERKEL, Angela",
  "MACRON, Emmanuel J.-M. F.",
  "JAKOBSDOTTIR  Kathríne",

# return logical vector specifying which names are matches
nmatch(names1, names2)

# return data frame with full match details
nmatch(names1, names2, return_full = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 9
#>   is_match    id   k_x   k_y k_align n_match dist_total freq_score align   
#>   <lgl>    <int> <int> <int>   <int>   <int>      <int> <chr>      <list>  
#> 1 TRUE         1     3     2       2       2          0 NA         <tibble>
#> 2 TRUE         2     5     2       2       2          0 NA         <tibble>
#> 3 TRUE         3     2     2       2       2          2 NA         <tibble>
#> 4 TRUE         4     2     2       2       2          2 NA         <tibble>
#> 5 TRUE         5     4     3       3       3          1 NA         <tibble>

# use a custom function to classify matches
classify_matches <- function(k_align, n_match, dist_total, ...) {
  n_match == k_align & dist_total < 2

nmatch(names1, names2, return_full = TRUE, eval_fn = classify_matches)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 9
#>   is_match    id   k_x   k_y k_align n_match dist_total freq_score align   
#>   <lgl>    <int> <int> <int>   <int>   <int>      <int> <chr>      <list>  
#> 1 TRUE         1     3     2       2       2          0 NA         <tibble>
#> 2 TRUE         2     5     2       2       2          0 NA         <tibble>
#> 3 FALSE        3     2     2       2       2          2 NA         <tibble>
#> 4 FALSE        4     2     2       2       2          2 NA         <tibble>
#> 5 TRUE         5     4     3       3       3          1 NA         <tibble>