Export project logging (audit trail) for a REDCap project
Execute an "Export Logging" API request to export the logging (audit trail) of all changes made to the project, including data exports, data changes, project metadata changes, modification of user rights, etc.
type = NULL,
user = NULL,
record = NULL,
time_start = NULL,
time_end = NULL,
timestamp_to_posix = TRUE
- conn
A REDCap API connection object (created with
)- type
Type of logging to return. Defaults to NULL to return all types. Specific logging types include:
"export": Data export
"manage": Manage/Design
"user": User or role created-updated-deleted
"record": Record created-updated-deleted
"record_add": Record created (only)
"record_edit": Record updated (only)
"record_delete": Record deleted (only)
"lock_record": Record locking & e-signatures
"page_view": Page Views
- user
REDCap username to fetch logs for. Defaults to NULL to fetch logs relating to all users. Note that, in the current API version (10.8.5), it's not possible to pass a character vector with multiple usernames (i.e. one user per request, or NULL for all).
- record
Record ID to fetch logs for. Defaults to NULL to fetch logs relating to all record IDs. Note that, in the current API version (10.8.5), it's not possible to pass a character vector with multiple record IDs (i.e. one record per request, or NULL for all).
- time_start
Fetch logs from after a given date-time. Use format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM". Defaults to NULL to omit a lower time limit.
- time_end
Fetch logs from before a given date-time. Use format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM". Defaults to NULL to omit an upper time limit.
- timestamp_to_posix
Logical indicating whether to convert the
column to class POSIXct usinglubridate::as_datetime
. Defaults to TRUE.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
conn <- rconn(
url = "https://redcap.msf.fr/api/",
token = Sys.getenv("MY_REDCAP_TOKEN")
} # }