Data Manipulation, Filtering and Recoding

Data Manipulation
Data Cleaning
Using {dplyr} and conditional logic to filter and recode data

February 21, 2025


  • Understand basic conditional logic statements
  • Learn how to filter a data frame using filter()
  • Learn how to recode variables using case_when()


Dependencies. This session assumes that you know the basics of data manipulation with {dplyr}. If you need a refresher on this, please review the third session in the learning pathway.

This session will work with the raw Moissala linelist data, which can be downloaded here:

Make sure this dataset is saved into the appropriate subdirectory of your R project and create a new script called filtering_and_recoding_practice.R in your R directory. Add an appropriate header and load the following packages: {here}, {rio}, and {tidyverse}.

Finally, add an import section where you use {here} and {rio} to load your data into an object called df_raw.

Using Conditional Logic to Filter Data

In the last session we learned a lot of the core data verbs in {dplyr} for basic manipulation tasks like selecting particular variables of interest and modifying them to better suit our needs. Beyond selecting variables of interest, another common task we have as epidemiologists is selecting observations of interest; ie: filtering our data to look at particular observations that meet a certain criteria.

Fortunately, {dplyr} has our back with the conveniently named function, filter(). To understand how to use it, however, we will need to learn a bit about how to construct conditional logic statements in R. This will be the focus of our session today.

This Equals That

The basic syntax of filter() is pretty simple:

df_raw |>
  filter([conditional logic statement]) # Keep lines where statement is TRUE

But what is a conditional logic statement? These are statements that ask “Is this thing true?”. The simplest conditional logic statement asks “does this variable equal this value?”. For example, “was this patient hospitalized?”. In R, we can ask if one value equals another using ==.

To create a filter asking, for each observation, whether the value of hospitalization is equal to yes we can then use the following syntax:

df_raw |>
  filter(hospitalisation == 'yes')

What filter() is doing here is going down each row of our dataset and asking: “for this row, is the value of hospitalisation equal to "yes"?”. It then returns only the rows where the answer to this question is TRUE.

Create a filter that selects all of the patients who had a fever, ie: where the value of fever was "Yes". The head of fever should look like this:

1   Yes
2   Yes
3   Yes
4   Yes
5   Yes
6   Yes

Take a look at your output and then take a look at the head of df_raw. Why does df_raw still contain patients who didn’t present with fever?

This Does Not Equal That

Checking if something is the same is great, but a lot of the time we might have another question in mind. For example, we might want to know how many patients didn’t recover, whether this was because they died or because they left against medical advice.

In this case, instead of writing == we will instead use !=. So, for example if we want to select all observations where patients didn’t recover we would write:

df |>
  filter(outcome != 'recovered')

Create a filter that selects patients who did not have a card confirmed vaccination status. The head of vacc_status should look like this:

1          No
2  Yes - oral
3          No
4          No
5          No
6          No

Hint. Remember that you can use count() to check what the options were for vacc_status.

Greater Than / Less Than

The other common question we have is whether a value was greater or less than a particular threshold. For example, how many patients were under 5 years old? Here we will use < and > to evaluate whether a variable is less than or greater than a particular value, respectively.

For example, to ask how many patients were less than 60 months old we can write:

df_raw |>
  filter(age < 60)

Create a filter that selects all patients with severe accute malnutrition (ie: patients with a MUAC less than 110). The head of muac should look like this:

1   80
2   88
3   60
4   85
5   86
6   68

Now create another filter that selects patients who are over 15 years old. The head of your age column should look like this:

1 348
2 348
3 312
4 432
5 444
6 324

Sometimes, instead of asking if something is less or greater than a particular value, we want to ask if it is less than or equal to that value. Easy, we just need to add an equal sign! We write <= for “less than or equal to” and >= for “greater than or equal to”. Careful here, the = must come after < or >, not before.

So if we want to ask for how many patients were 10 years of age or younger, we can write:

df_raw |>
  filter(age <= 120)

Create a filter that selects all patients with a normal nutrition status, ie: patients with a MUAC greater than or equal to 125. The head of muac should look like this:

1  244
2  232
3  210
4  220
5  152
6  155

Filters with Multiple Conditions

Want to combine several logic statements in a single filter? Easy. We can create a filter with multiple conditions by simply separating each condition with a comma:

df |>
  filter([condition 1],
         [condition 2],
         [condition 3])

So for example, let’s say we want to select all patients under five who were hospitalized. In this case we can write:

df_raw |>
  filter(age < 5,
         hospitalised = "true")

Create a filter that selects all patients with severe accute malnutrition who were hospitalized in the Koumra health facility. The head of id, sub_prefecture, hospitalisation, and muac should look like this:

    id sub_prefecture hospitalisation muac
1 8624         KOUMRA             yes  103
2 8939         KOUMRA             yes   67
3 9957         KOUMRA             yes   71

Hint. This filter has a condition on both hospitalisation status, sub_prefecture, and muac.

Summary of Basic Logic Statements

Good job working through a quick tour of logic statements in R! Here is a handy table to help you remember the main logic statements we have learned so far:

Statement R
Is A the same as B? A == B
Is A not the same as B A != B
Is A greater than B? A > B
Is A greater than or equal to B? A >= B
Is A less than B? A < B
Is A less than or equal to B? A <= B

Recoding with case_when()

As we have seen, conditional logic statements are incredibly useful when trying to filter our data, but you will find that they have many other uses as well. One of their other major use cases for us as epidemiologists is when we need to recode our data. This is where the {dplyr} function case_when() is here to help us.

The syntax of case_when() is a little more advanced than what we have seen so far, but we will go slowly and break it down. Once you get the hang of it, case_when() will become a very powerful part of your R toolbelt.

We will almost always use case_when() inside of a mutate(), because we will use it either to recode an existing variable or to create a new one. The basic syntax works like this:

df |>
  mutate(column_name = case_when([first condition] ~ [value when condition is TRUE],
                                 [second condition] ~ [value when second condition is TRUE],
                                 .default = [default value])

Ok, that’s a lot. Let’s break it down.

So the first thing to notice is that, with the exception of the last line, each line inside of case_when() has the following format:

[condition] ~ [value when condition is TRUE]

So for example, if we want our case_when() to say that anytime a patient had a MUAC less than 110 we want to have a value of "SAM", we would have something like this:

muac < 110 ~ 'SAM'

We can add multiple possible outcomes by adding additional lines. In this case, our next condition might check if the patient is moderately but not severly malnourished using the statement muac < 125 ~ 'MAM'.

The last line, with the argument .default gives the value we want case_when() to use when none of the above conditions have been met. In this case, we might give the value 'Normal'.

To put this together, if we wanted to create a variable that classifies the malnutrition status of patients using their MUAC, we would write:

df_raw |>
  mutate(malnut = case_when(muac < 110 ~ 'SAM',
                            muac < 125 ~ 'MAM',
                            .default = 'Normal'))

Try running the above code to see if it successfully creates a new column malnut with the malnutrition status of each case. You should get something like this:

  muac malnut
1  244 Normal
2  232 Normal
3  123    MAM
4  210 Normal
5   80    SAM
6  220 Normal

Be careful. The order of your statements is important here. What case_when() will do is go through each statement from top to bottom and assign the first value that is TRUE. So in our above example, case_when() will ask the following questions in sequence:

  • Does this patient have SAM (is muac < 110)? If so, assign the value "SAM"
  • If the patient didn’t have SAM, do they have MAM (is muac < 125)? If so, assign the value `“MAM”
  • If none of the above conditions were true, assign the default value "Normal"

Try reordering the first and second conditions in the above case_when() so that you first check if muac < 125. The head of your new data frame should now look like this:

  muac malnut
1  244 Normal
2  232 Normal
3  123    MAM
4  210 Normal
5   80    MAM
6  220 Normal

Notice anything different? Save this new data frame to a tmp object and inspect it to see if we still have any patients classified as "SAM". Can you figure out why this no longer gives the correct classification?


The .default argument in case_when() is not obligatory. If you don’t include it then case_when() will use NA by default.

As we saw in our above example, case_when() is an easy way of creating new variables based on the values of an existing column. This can be used to classify status (as we saw with malnutrition) or to regroup variables into categories (like age groups).

Use case_when() to create a new variable age_group with three categories: "< 5 Years", "5 - 15 Years", and "> 15 Years". Patients missing age data should be assigned a default value of "Unknown". Be careful with your ordering! The head of your new column should look like this:

  age     age_group
1  36     < 5 Years
2   5     < 5 Years
3 156 5 - 15  Years
4   8     < 5 Years
5   7     < 5 Years
6   4     < 5 Years

The %in% operator

So now we can regroup variables into categories, great. But we can also use case_when() to standardize the values we see in a variable.

Using count() inspect the categorical variables in df_raw to check if any have inconsistencies in their coding.

In our dataset, we see that there are some issues in the way sex was coded. For example, female patients are coded as f, female and femme. That simply won’t do. Thankfully, we can use case_when() to recode this variable. This time, instead of creating a new variable we will directly update sex:

df_raw |>
  mutate(sex = case_when(sex == "f" ~ "Female",
                         sex == "female" ~ "Female",
                         sex == "femme" ~ "Female",
                         sex == "m" ~ "Male",
                         sex == "male" ~ "Male",
                         sex == "homme" ~ "Male",
                         .default = "Unknown"))

Well, that works, but it seems awfully repetitive. It would be easier if we could just list all the options that we want to reassign to “Female” and “Male” respectively. This is where the %in% operator is here to help. The %in% operator will check if a value is in a vector of options using the following basic syntax:

[value] %in% [vector_of_options]

So, for example, we could check if the value "f" is in the options "f", "female" using the following:

"f" %in% c("f", "female")

Try running the above statement. What is the data type of your outcome?

See how the outcome of the above statement is a boolean, ie: a logic outcome? That means we can use it as a condition in case_when()! This means that our verbose code above can now be written as:

df_raw |>
  mutate(sex = case_when(sex %in% c("f", "female", "femme") ~ "Female",
                         sex %in% c("m", "male", "homme") ~ "Male",
                         .default = "Unknown"))

Much nicer.

Use case_when() and the %in% operator to create a new column vacc_status_strict that has the value "Yes" for cases with card confirmed vaccination status, "No" for cases who said they were unvaccinated, and "Unverified" otherwise. The head of your new column should look like this:

1         Unverified
2                 No
3         Unverified
4                 No
5                 No
6                 No

A Last Bit of Cleanup

Now that we know how to leverage case_when() and conditional logic (in addition to what we learned in the last session, we can actually put together a decent cleaning pipeline. I hope you kept your code from last time handy…

Using what you have learned above and what you practiced in the last session, create a basic data cleaning pipe that creates a new data frame, df, after doing the following:

  • Remove the variables full_name and age_unit
  • Rename the following variables:
    • age becomes age_months
    • sub_prefecture becomes prefecture
    • village_commune becomes village
    • health_facility_name becomes facility
  • Add a variable age_years with patient age in years
  • Update region and prefecture to use title case
  • Update all date columns to use Date type
  • Create a new variable age_group age to include the groups: < 6 months, 6 - 11 months, 12 - 59 months, 5 - 15 years, and > 15 years (patients with unknown age should have a value “Unknown”)
  • Recode sex to have only the values: Female, Male, and Unknown
  • Remove any duplicate observations

The head of your final data should look something like this:

  id    sex age_months  region prefecture        village date_onset
1  1 Female         36 Mandoul   Moissala Sangana Koïtan 2022-08-13
2  2 Female          5 Mandoul   Moissala      Mousdan 1 2022-08-18
3  3 Female        156 Mandoul   Moissala     Djaroua Ii 2022-08-17
4  6   Male          8 Mandoul   Moissala     Monakoumba 2022-08-22
5  7   Male          7 Mandoul   Moissala      Tétindaya 2022-08-30
6 10   Male          4 Mandoul   Moissala      Danamadja 2022-08-30
  date_consultation hospitalisation date_admission
1        2022-08-14             yes     2022-08-14
2        2022-08-25             yes     2022-08-25
3        2022-08-20            <NA>           <NA>
4        2022-08-25              no           <NA>
5        2022-09-02              no           <NA>
6        2022-09-02             yes     2022-09-02
                         facility malaria_rdt fever rash cough red_eye
1 Hôpital du District de Moissala    negative    No <NA>   Yes      No
2 Hôpital du District de Moissala    negative    No   No   Yes      No
3                      CS Silambi    negative   Yes <NA>    No      No
4 Hôpital du District de Moissala    negative    No   No    No    <NA>
5                      CS Silambi    negative  <NA>   No   Yes     Yes
6                    Moissala Est    negative   Yes   No    No    <NA>
  pneumonia encephalitis muac vacc_status vacc_doses   outcome date_outcome
1        No           No  244        <NA>       <NA> recovered   2022-08-18
2      <NA>           No  232          No       <NA>      <NA>   2022-08-28
3        No         <NA>  123  Yes - oral       <NA> recovered         <NA>
4        No           No  210          No       <NA> recovered         <NA>
5        No           No   80          No       <NA> recovered         <NA>
6        No           No  220          No       <NA> recovered   2022-09-03
   age_years      age_group
1  3.0000000 12 - 59 months
2  0.4166667     < 6 months
3 13.0000000   5 - 15 years
4  0.6666667  6 - 11 months
5  0.5833333  6 - 11 months
6  0.3333333     < 6 months

Amazing! Let’s look at how to save this (mostly) clean dataset. Here, we will use the function export() from {rio} and here() from {here} to specify where to save our output:

df |>
  export(here('data', 'clean', 'measles_linelist_clean.xlsx'))

Notice here that we are putting our data in the appropriate clean subfolder of data.


In the above example we save our data as an xlsx, which is helpful if you want to be able to open the clean data in Excel. Often, however, we might prefer to use a file with the extension .rds instead. This is a file type specific to R and is more robust to issues related to encoding or date formatting than files like xlsx or csv. To save your above file as an rds all you need to do is change the extension:

df |>
  export(here('data', 'clean', 'measles_linelist_clean.rds'))


Very well done. You’ve learned how to use basic data verbs, conditional logic, and create a basic data cleaning pipeline.

Going Further

Extra Exercises