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REDCap project log files have a complicated format where multiple types of information are contained in a single column. For example the column action contains the relevant record ID, the type of action that was taken (e.g. Updated / Created / Deleted), and sometimes further details about the source of the action (e.g. API / Import / Automatic field calculation). The details column contains a string of variable/value combinations describing any changes (e.g. "var1 = '0', var2 = '1', var3(1) = checked"), and may also contain the relevant repeat instance number (e.g. "[instance = 3]").

The parse_logging() function tidies up the log file by splitting the record ID, action, action type, and repeat instance into separate columns. Optionally, the string of variable/value changes in the details column may be further transformed to long format to yield a single row for each combination of variable and value.

Note that this function only deals with log entries of type Created / Deleted / Updated Record. All other log entries (e.g. Data Export, Manage/Design, Edited Role, User Assigned to Role) will be filtered out.


parse_logging(x, format_long = FALSE, dict = NULL)



REDCap project log file (data frame), e.g. returned by project_logging


Logical indicating whether to transform the log file to long format, with one row per variable-value combination. Defaults to FALSE.


A REDCap metadata dictionary (data frame), e.g. returned by meta_dictionary. Only needed when argument format_long is TRUE.


A tibble-style data frame with 8 columns:


Row number based on original log file. There may be gaps for rows that have been excluded from the output because they reflected an action type other than create / delete / update.


unchanged from original log file


unchanged from original log file


One of "Created Record", "Deleted Record", or "Updated Record", extracted from original details column


Parenthetical details, if any, extracted from original action column (e.g. "(API)", "(import)", "(Auto calculation)")


Record ID, extracted from original action column


Instance number (integer), extracted from original details column. Note that 1st instances are not explicitly specified in the log file and will appear as NA


String of variable value pairs (e.g. "var1 = '0', var2 = '1', var3(1) = checked"), reflecting the data that was modified

If argument format_long is TRUE the details column will be replaced with three other columns:


Form name, joined from metadata dictionary based on variable field_name. Will be <NA> in cases where field name has been changed or removed and therefore doesn't appear in the dictionary, or for fields not associated with a specific form like redcap_data_access_group.


Field name, extracted from original details column


Value, extracted from original details column


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
conn <- rconn(
  url = "",
  token = Sys.getenv("MY_REDCAP_TOKEN")

} # }