Obtain OutbreakTools files
Download the OutbreakTools archive 📦
Go to the OutbreakTools github repo, scroll down to the README and click on the yellow button to donwload .zip
archive that contains the file you need.
Save the archive locally on your computer and unzip it.
Install the OubreakTools files?
The solution is based on VBA scripts in Excel files, so there is nothing to install.
You should however authorise VBA macros in Excel so that the files work as expected (or at all, in fact).
The archive contains several timestamped files:
: an empty setup filedesigner_main-YYYY-MM-DD.xlsb
: the designer file that is used to compile the setup_ribbontemplate_main-YYYY-MM-DD.xlsb
: a template file containing information used during compilationrun_designer_on_windows.R
: files that can be used to compile from R (experimental and yet undocumented)
::: {.callout-note callout-appearance: simple} The excel files are in the .xlsb
format, a compressed, more efficient Excel format that allows VBA macros. :::
Update to a new version of OutbreakTools
The OutbreakTools solution is in active development, so there are regular updates to the files, to add new functionalities or correct bugs. To upgrade, just dowload the tools again and use the new setup and designer. If you already have a working setup for a linelist, it is possible to migrate its content to a new empty setup file.