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epishiny welcomes new module contributions to the package as well as feature improvements to existing modules. Contributors will require a solid understanding of how the R shiny web-framework works and the ability to program with reactive objects, as well as knowledge of how to organise your code as a composable shiny ‘module’. See the Mastering Shiny book and the modules chapter to learn more.

An understanding of how an R package is structured is also required and how to prepare functions for exportation with appropriate documentation using the roxygen2 package.


Contributions should be made as pull-requests on github from your own fork of the source package, which will then be reviewed by package maintainers.

Package Structure

Below is the current package structure at 2 levels of recursion:

├── R
│   ├── 01_time.R
│   ├── 02_place.R
│   ├── 03_person.R
│   ├── 04_filter.R
│   ├── 05_launch.R
│   ├── utils.R
│   └── zzz.R
├── README.Rmd
├── _pkgdown.yml
├── data
│   ├── df_ll.rda
│   └── sf_yem.rda
├── data-raw
│   ├── data.R
│   └── linelist-example.xlsx
├── epishiny.Rproj
├── inst
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── img
│   │   └── js
│   └── examples
│       ├── demo
│       └── docs
├── man
│   ├── figures
│   │   ├── dashboard.png
│   │   ├── person.png
│   │   ├── place.png
│   │   └── time.png
│   ├── filter.Rd
│   ├── launch_demo_dashboard.Rd
│   ├── launch_module.Rd
│   ├── person.Rd
│   ├── place.Rd
│   └── time.Rd
└── vignettes
    └── contributing.Rmd

The important directory is the R directory. This is the source code of the package and where any code contributions must live. To contribute a new module, create a new R script inside this directory with a number and concise, informative name. Add your module UI and server functions to this script as well as any helper functions specific to this module. More general utility functions can be added to the R/utils.R script.


New modules will need to meet certain criteria to be able to work in harmony with the other modules in the package.

User Interface

The primary requirement is to use UI components from the bslib package. bslib provides a modern UI toolkit for Shiny and R Markdown based on Bootstrap. Default shiny UI uses an old version of Bootstrap (v3) but bslib provides access to newer versions (latest currently v5). The package is maintained by Posit, the authors of shiny, and is now their recommended shiny UI framework. See the package website for documentation on all of the available components.

If your module will produce a single graphic or table output, it is recommended to use a bslib::card() as the module UI wrapper. If you need multiple tabs within the module use bslib::navset_card_tab(). See the package’s card article for more details and features.

Don’t forget to wrap any input IDs in your module UI in the ns() namespace function. See an existing module UI function for examples.


There are no specific requirements for the module server code to meet other than to try to be as efficienct and fast as possible.


The package currently uses the highcharter package for interactive graphics, leaflet for interactive maps and reactable and gtsummary packages for tables. It is recommended to use one of these packages for your outputs, if possible, to maintain style and functionality across modules, and to reduce the number of dependencies (more below).


Due to the large scope of this package the number of dependencies is already large with multiple htmlwidget libraries being used. Efforts should be made to keep only include essential dependencies in your contribution. For example, if you import a library to use a single simple function, it is recommended to code this as your own utility function within the package and avoid importing the external package.

Code style

Please follow the Tidyverse style guide as much as possible. Use the styler package to restyle code before submitting a pull-request.