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Global options

epishiny sets the following global options on start up that are used across various modules. You can change any of these to suit your needs via the options() function as below. Make sure you do this after epishiny has been loaded for the changes to take effect.

# first load libraries

# then set your options. the options below are the defaults
options( = "(Missing)", # label to be used for NA values in outputs
  epishiny.count.label = "Patients", # if data is un-aggregated, the label to represent row counts
  epishiny.week.letter = "W", # letter to represent 'Week'. Change to S for 'Semaine' etc
  epishiny.week.start = 1 # day the epiweek starts on. 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday

Setting up data for epishiny

epishiny can work with either aggregated or un-aggregated data. Here we will use an example of an un-aggregated ‘linelist’ dataset. A linelist is a (tidy) data format used in public health data collection with each row representing an individual (patient, participant, etc) and each column representing a variable associated with said individual.

df_ll is an example dataset within the package containing data for a fake measles outbreak in Yemen. The data contains temporal, demographic, and geographic information for each patient, as well as other medical indicators.

#> Rows: 1,000
#> Columns: 30
#> $ case_id                         <chr> "P0001", "P0002", "P0003", "P0004", "P…
#> $ date_notification               <date> 2022-10-07, 2022-09-18, 2022-04-11, 2…
#> $ date_symptom_start              <date> 2022-10-03, 2022-09-12, 2022-04-01, 2…
#> $ date_hospitalisation_start      <date> NA, NA, 2022-04-14, 2022-04-20, 2022-…
#> $ date_sample_occurred            <date> 2022-10-12, NA, NA, NA, 2022-08-09, 2…
#> $ date_sample_lab_result_occurred <date> 2022-10-16, NA, NA, NA, 2022-08-10, 2…
#> $ date_hospitalisation_end        <date> NA, NA, 2022-04-23, 2022-05-04, 2022-…
#> $ sex_id                          <chr> "Male", "Male", "Male", NA, NA, "Unkno…
#> $ age_years                       <dbl> 42.00000000, 0.13150685, 36.00000000, …
#> $ age_group                       <fct> 35-49, <5, 35-49, <5, 50+, <5, <5, NA,…
#> $ adm1_origin                     <chr> "Amran / عمران", "Raymah / ريمه", "Amr…
#> $ adm2_origin                     <chr> "Huth / حوث", "As Salafiyyah / السلفيه…
#> $ adm3_origin                     <chr> "Huth / حوث", "An Nubah / النوبه", NA,…
#> $ adm4_origin                     <chr> "Tho Hamzah / ذو حمزه", "Al-Acamah Al-…
#> $ adm1_pcode                      <chr> "YE29", "YE31", "YE29", "YE29", "YE31"…
#> $ adm2_pcode                      <chr> "YE2902", "YE3102", "YE2901", "YE2907"…
#> $ fever                           <chr> "Yes", "Yes", NA, "Yes", NA, "Yes", "N…
#> $ rash                            <chr> "Yes", "Uncertain", "Uncertain", "No",…
#> $ cough                           <chr> "Yes", "No", "Yes", "Yes", "No", NA, "…
#> $ oral_lesions                    <chr> "Uncertain", "No", "Yes", "Yes", "Unce…
#> $ muac                            <chr> NA, "Yellow (115 - 124 mm)", "Red (<11…
#> $ oedema                          <chr> NA, NA, NA, "+++ (feet, shins and face…
#> $ hospitalised_yn                 <chr> "No", "No", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", NA, "…
#> $ measles_stage                   <chr> "Post-measles", "Acute measles", "Post…
#> $ oxygen                          <chr> "Yes", "No", "No", "No", "Yes", "Yes",…
#> $ vacci_measles_yn                <chr> "No", "No", "Yes - card", "Uncertain",…
#> $ vacci_measles_doses             <chr> "2 doses", "Uncertain", "4 doses or mo…
#> $ TDR_malaria                     <chr> "Undetermined", "Positive", "Negative"…
#> $ outcome                         <chr> NA, "Healed", "Deceased", "Healed", "H…
#> $ death_cause                     <chr> "Respiratory distress", "Respiratory d…

We have geographical patient origin data contained in the adm columns, each being an administrative boundary level in Yemen. If we wan’t to visualise this data on a map we need to provide accompanying geo data that we can match to the linelist data. sf_yem, a dataset within the package, is a list containing geo boundary data for adm1 and adm2 levels in Yemen, stored as sf objects.

#> $adm1
#> Simple feature collection with 22 features and 5 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 41.81479 ymin: 12.10665 xmax: 54.5382 ymax: 19
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>    adm0_iso3     adm0_name                   adm1_name pcode adm1_pop
#> 1        YEM Yemen / اليمن                    Ibb / اب  YE11  3117999
#> 2        YEM Yemen / اليمن                Abyan / ابين  YE12   619003
#> 3        YEM Yemen / اليمن Sana'a City / امانة العاصمه  YE13  3981000
#> 4        YEM Yemen / اليمن          Al Bayda / البيضاء  YE14   830001
#> 5        YEM Yemen / اليمن                 Ta'iz / تعز  YE15  3487612
#> 6        YEM Yemen / اليمن             Al Jawf / الجوف  YE16   645000
#> 7        YEM Yemen / اليمن                Hajjah / حجه  YE17  2415001
#> 8        YEM Yemen / اليمن       Al Hodeidah / الحديده  YE18  3653999
#> 9        YEM Yemen / اليمن          Hadramawt / حضرموت  YE19  1618329
#> 10       YEM Yemen / اليمن               Dhamar / ذمار  YE20  2170000
#>                          geometry
#> 1  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.08076 14...
#> 2  MULTIPOLYGON (((46.29563 14...
#> 3  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.3338 15....
#> 4  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.72676 14...
#> 5  MULTIPOLYGON (((43.41111 12...
#> 6  MULTIPOLYGON (((46.34001 17...
#> 7  MULTIPOLYGON (((42.80233 15...
#> 8  MULTIPOLYGON (((42.6918 13....
#> 9  MULTIPOLYGON (((50.83766 16...
#> 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((44.70527 14...
#> $adm2
#> Simple feature collection with 335 features and 6 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 41.81479 ymin: 12.10665 xmax: 54.5382 ymax: 19
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>    adm0_iso3     adm0_name adm1_name                  adm2_name  pcode adm2_pop
#> 1        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب            Al Qafr / القفر YE1101   152248
#> 2        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب               Yarim / يريم YE1102   257878
#> 3        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب         Ar Radmah / الرضمه YE1103   111778
#> 4        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب       An Nadirah / النادره YE1104   108243
#> 5        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب         Ash Sha'ir / الشعر YE1105    58233
#> 6        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب          As Saddah / السده YE1106   119880
#> 7        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب      Al Makhadir / المخادر YE1107   166083
#> 8        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب             Hobeish / حبيش YE1108   152918
#> 9        YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب Hazm Al Odayn / حزم العدين YE1109   115630
#> 10       YEM Yemen / اليمن  Ibb / اب Far' Al Odayn / فرع العدين YE1110   130477
#>                          geometry
#> 1  MULTIPOLYGON (((43.82405 14...
#> 2  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.2682 14....
#> 3  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.4855 14....
#> 4  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.4946 14....
#> 5  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.307 14.0...
#> 6  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.44934 14...
#> 7  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.22156 14...
#> 8  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.01363 14...
#> 9  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.05006 14...
#> 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((43.80641 14...

Luckily we can easily match this to the linelist data via the pcode columns. In real world scenarios, you might not have harmonious pcodes available in your data, so if you need help matching messy epi data to geo data, check out our hmatch package.

Now let’s set up the geo data in the format required for epishiny. We use the geo_layer() function to define a layer, and since we have multiple layers in this case, we combine them in a list.

# setup geo data for adm1 and adm2 using the
# geo_layer function to be passed to the place module
# if population variable is provided, attack rates
# will be shown on the map as a choropleth
geo_data <- list(
    layer_name = "Governorate", # name of the boundary layer
    sf = sf_yem$adm1, # sf object with boundary polygons
    name_var = "adm1_name", # column with place names
    pop_var = "adm1_pop", # column with population data (optional)
    join_by = c("pcode" = "adm1_pcode") # geo to data join vars: LHS = sf, RHS = data
    layer_name = "District",
    sf = sf_yem$adm2,
    name_var = "adm2_name",
    pop_var = "adm2_pop",
    join_by = c("pcode" = "adm2_pcode")

Launching modules

Now we have everything we need to launch the time, place and person modules. As well as for use in dashboards, each epishiny module can be launched individually from within an R script. Below is an example of each module passing the minimum required arguments. See each modules documentation (?time_server, ?place_server, ?person_server) for full details of all features and arguments that can be passed.


  module= "time",
  df = df_ll,
  date_vars = "date_notification"


# launch place map module
  module = "place",
  df = df_ll,
  geo_data = geo_data


  module= "person",
  df = df_ll,
  age_group_var = "age_group",
  sex_var = "sex_id",
  male_level = "Male",
  female_level = "Female"


epishiny modules can be included in any shiny dashboard by adding the module_ui component to the shiny ui function, and the module_server component to the shiny server function. If you’re new to shiny, don’t worry, epishiny is designed so that you can build fully-featured dashboards without worrying about what is happening on the shiny back-end. But if you do want to learn more, a good place to start is the Mastering Shiny book, authored by Hadley Wickham.

epishiny modules use UI elements from the bslib package, so the only constraint is that you use bslib for your dashboards user interface. See the bslib shiny dashboards article for full details on designing a UI with bslib.

Below is a full dashboard example incorporating all epishiny modules in a bslib user interface.


# example package data
data("df_ll") # linelist
data("sf_yem") # sf geo boundaries for Yemen admin 1 & 2

# setup geo data for adm1 and adm2 using the
# geo_layer function to be passed to the place module
# if population variable is provided, attack rates
# will be shown on the map as a choropleth
geo_data <- list(
    layer_name = "Governorate", # name of the boundary level
    sf = sf_yem$adm1, # sf object with boundary polygons
    name_var = "adm1_name", # column with place names
    pop_var = "adm1_pop", # column with population data (optional)
    join_by = c("pcode" = "adm1_pcode") # geo to data join vars: LHS = sf, RHS = data
    layer_name = "District",
    sf = sf_yem$adm2,
    name_var = "adm2_name",
    pop_var = "adm2_pop",
    join_by = c("pcode" = "adm2_pcode")

# range of dates used in filter module to filter time period
date_range <- range(df_ll$date_notification, na.rm = TRUE)

# define date variables in data as named list to be used in app
date_vars <- c(
  "Date of notification" = "date_notification",
  "Date of onset" = "date_symptom_start",
  "Date of hospitalisation" = "date_hospitalisation_start",
  "Date of outcome" = "date_hospitalisation_end"

# define categorical grouping variables
# in data as named list to be used in app
group_vars <- c(
  "Governorate" = "adm1_origin",
  "Sex" = "sex_id",
  "Hospitalised" = "hospitalised_yn",
  "Vaccinated measles" = "vacci_measles_yn",
  "Outcome" = "outcome"

# user interface
ui <- page_sidebar(
  title = "epishiny",
  # sidebar
  sidebar = filter_ui(
    group_vars = group_vars,
    date_range = date_range,
    period_lab = "Notification period"
  # main content
    col_widths = c(12, 7, 5),
      id = "map",
      geo_data = geo_data,
      group_vars = group_vars
      id = "curve",
      title = "Time",
      date_vars = date_vars,
      group_vars = group_vars,
      ratio_line_lab = "Show CFR line?"
    person_ui(id = "age_sex")

# app server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  app_data <- filter_server(
    id = "filter",
    df = df_ll,
    date_var = "date_notification",
    group_vars = group_vars
    id = "map",
    df = reactive(app_data()$df),
    geo_data = geo_data,
    group_vars = group_vars,
    filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)
    id = "curve",
    df = reactive(app_data()$df),
    date_vars = date_vars,
    group_vars = group_vars,
    show_ratio = TRUE,
    ratio_var = "outcome",
    ratio_lab = "CFR",
    ratio_numer = "Deceased",
    ratio_denom = c("Deceased", "Healed", "Abandonment"),
    filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)
    id = "age_sex",
    df = reactive(app_data()$df),
    age_var = "age_years",
    sex_var = "sex_id",
    male_level = "Male",
    female_level = "Female",
    filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)

# launch app
if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui, server)