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Build a geo layer to be used in the 'place' module


geo_layer(layer_name, sf, name_var, join_by, pop_var = NULL)



the name of the geo layer, for example 'State', 'Department', 'Admin2' etc. If providing multiple layers, layer names must be unique.


geographical data of class 'sf' (simple features).


character string of the variable name in sf containing the names of each geographical feature.


data join specification to join geo layer to a dataset. Should be either a single variable name present in both datasets or a named vector where the name is the geo layer join variable and the value is the join variable of the dataset. i.e. c("pcode" = "place_code") LHS = geo, RHS = data.


character string of the variable name in sf containing population data for each feature. If provided, attack rates will be shown on the map as a choropleth.


named list of class "epishiny_geo_layer"


  layer_name = "Governorate",
  sf = sf_yem$adm1,
  name_var = "adm1_name",
  pop_var = "adm1_pop",
  join_by = c("pcode" = "adm1_pcode")
#> $layer_name
#> [1] "Governorate"
#> $sf
#> Simple feature collection with 22 features and 7 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 41.81479 ymin: 12.10665 xmax: 54.5382 ymax: 19
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>    adm0_iso3     adm0_name                   adm1_name pcode adm1_pop
#> 1        YEM Yemen / اليمن                    Ibb / اب  YE11  3117999
#> 2        YEM Yemen / اليمن                Abyan / ابين  YE12   619003
#> 3        YEM Yemen / اليمن Sana'a City / امانة العاصمه  YE13  3981000
#> 4        YEM Yemen / اليمن          Al Bayda / البيضاء  YE14   830001
#> 5        YEM Yemen / اليمن                 Ta'iz / تعز  YE15  3487612
#> 6        YEM Yemen / اليمن             Al Jawf / الجوف  YE16   645000
#> 7        YEM Yemen / اليمن                Hajjah / حجه  YE17  2415001
#> 8        YEM Yemen / اليمن       Al Hodeidah / الحديده  YE18  3653999
#> 9        YEM Yemen / اليمن          Hadramawt / حضرموت  YE19  1618329
#> 10       YEM Yemen / اليمن               Dhamar / ذمار  YE20  2170000
#>                          geometry      lon      lat
#> 1  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.08076 14... 44.18040 14.08362
#> 2  MULTIPOLYGON (((46.29563 14... 46.23681 13.63099
#> 3  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.3338 15.... 44.17556 15.40928
#> 4  MULTIPOLYGON (((44.72676 14... 45.27953 14.32562
#> 5  MULTIPOLYGON (((43.41111 12... 43.78494 13.29334
#> 6  MULTIPOLYGON (((46.34001 17... 45.59372 16.59384
#> 7  MULTIPOLYGON (((42.80233 15... 43.20314 16.09100
#> 8  MULTIPOLYGON (((42.6918 13.... 43.21762 14.78216
#> 9  MULTIPOLYGON (((50.83766 16... 48.63126 16.52279
#> 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((44.70527 14... 44.30275 14.54205
#> $name_var
#> [1] "adm1_name"
#> $pop_var
#> [1] "adm1_pop"
#> $join_by
#>        pcode 
#> "adm1_pcode" 
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "epishiny_geo_layer"