Filter linelist data using a sidebar with shiny inputs.
title = NULL,
date_filters_lab = "Date filters",
period_lab = "Period",
missing_dates_lab = "Include patients with missing dates?",
group_filters_lab = "Group filters",
filter_btn_lab = "Filter",
reset_btn_lab = "Reset"
time_filter = shiny::reactiveVal(),
place_filter = shiny::reactiveVal(),
na_label = getOption("", "(Missing)")
- id
Module id. Must be the same in both the UI and server function to link the two.
- group_vars
named character vector of categorical variables for the data grouping input. Names are used as variable labels.
- date_range
A vector containing the minimum and maximum dates for the date range input.
- title
The title of the sidebar.
- date_filters_lab
The label for the date filters accordion panel.
- period_lab
The label for the date range input.
- missing_dates_lab
The label for the include missing dates checkbox.
- group_filters_lab
The label for the group filters accordion panel.
- filter_btn_lab
The label for the filter data button.
- reset_btn_lab
The label for the reset filters button.
- df
Data frame or tibble of patient level or aggregated data. Can be either a shiny reactive or static dataset.
- date_var
The name of the date variable in the data frame to be filtered on.
- time_filter
supply the output of
wrapped in ashiny::reactive()
here to add its filter information to the filter sidebar- place_filter
supply the output of
wrapped in ashiny::reactive()
here to add its filter information to the filter sidebar- na_label
The label to use for missing values in group variables.
A bslib::sidebar UI element with date filters, group filters, and action buttons.
The server function returns both the filtered data and a formatted text string with filter information
named df
and filter_info
respectively in a reactive list. These should be passed as arguments
of the same name in the time, place and person modules wrapped in a shiny::reactive()
#> Attaching package: ‘bslib’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:utils’:
#> page
# example package data
data("df_ll") # linelist
data("sf_yem") # sf geo boundaries for Yemen admin 1 & 2
# setup geo data for adm1 and adm2 using the
# geo_layer function to be passed to the place module
# if population variable is provided, attack rates
# will be shown on the map as a choropleth
geo_data <- list(
layer_name = "Governorate", # name of the boundary level
sf = sf_yem$adm1, # sf object with boundary polygons
name_var = "adm1_name", # column with place names
pop_var = "adm1_pop", # column with population data (optional)
join_by = c("pcode" = "adm1_pcode") # geo to data join vars: LHS = sf, RHS = data
layer_name = "District",
sf = sf_yem$adm2,
name_var = "adm2_name",
pop_var = "adm2_pop",
join_by = c("pcode" = "adm2_pcode")
# range of dates used in filter module to filter time period
date_range <- range(df_ll$date_notification, na.rm = TRUE)
# define date variables in data as named list to be used in app
date_vars <- c(
"Date of notification" = "date_notification",
"Date of onset" = "date_symptom_start",
"Date of hospitalisation" = "date_hospitalisation_start",
"Date of outcome" = "date_hospitalisation_end"
# define categorical grouping variables
# in data as named list to be used in app
group_vars <- c(
"Governorate" = "adm1_origin",
"Sex" = "sex_id",
"Hospitalised" = "hospitalised_yn",
"Vaccinated measles" = "vacci_measles_yn",
"Outcome" = "outcome"
# user interface
ui <- page_sidebar(
title = "epishiny",
# sidebar
sidebar = filter_ui(
group_vars = group_vars,
date_range = date_range,
period_lab = "Notification period"
# main content
col_widths = c(12, 7, 5),
id = "map",
geo_data = geo_data,
group_vars = group_vars
id = "curve",
title = "Time",
date_vars = date_vars,
group_vars = group_vars,
ratio_line_lab = "Show CFR line?"
person_ui(id = "age_sex")
# app server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
app_data <- filter_server(
id = "filter",
df = df_ll,
date_var = "date_notification",
group_vars = group_vars
id = "map",
df = reactive(app_data()$df),
geo_data = geo_data,
group_vars = group_vars,
filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)
id = "curve",
df = reactive(app_data()$df),
date_vars = date_vars,
group_vars = group_vars,
show_ratio = TRUE,
ratio_var = "outcome",
ratio_lab = "CFR",
ratio_numer = "Deceased",
ratio_denom = c("Deceased", "Healed", "Abandonment"),
filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)
id = "age_sex",
df = reactive(app_data()$df),
age_var = "age_years",
sex_var = "sex_id",
male_level = "Male",
female_level = "Female",
filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)
# launch app
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui, server)