Visualise geographical distribution across multiple administrative boundaries on an interactive leaflet map.
count_vars = NULL,
group_vars = NULL,
title = "Place",
icon = bsicons::bs_icon("geo-fill"),
tooltip = NULL,
geo_lab = "Geo boundaries",
count_vars_lab = "Indicator",
groups_lab = "Group data by",
no_grouping_lab = "No grouping",
circle_size_lab = "Circle size multiplyer",
opts_btn_lab = "options",
download_lab = "download",
full_screen = TRUE
count_vars = NULL,
group_vars = NULL,
show_parent_borders = FALSE,
choro_lab = "Rate /100 000",
choro_pal = "Reds",
choro_opacity = 0.7,
export_width = 1200,
export_height = 650,
time_filter = shiny::reactiveVal(),
filter_info = shiny::reactiveVal(),
filter_reset = shiny::reactiveVal()
- id
Module id. Must be the same in both the UI and server function to link the two.
- geo_data
A list of named lists containing spatial sf dataframes and other information for different geographical levels.
- count_vars
If data is aggregated, variable name(s) of count variable(s) in data. If more than one is variable provided, a select input will appear in the options dropdown. If named, names are used as variable labels.
- group_vars
Character vector of categorical variable names. If provided, a select input will appear in the options dropdown allowing for data groups to be visualised on the map in pie charts per geographical unit. If named, names are used as variable labels.
- title
The title for the card.
- icon
The icon to be displayed next to the title
- tooltip
additional title hover text information
- geo_lab
The label for the geographical level selection.
- count_vars_lab
text label for the aggregate count variables input.
- groups_lab
The label for the group data by selection.
- no_grouping_lab
text label for the no grouping option in the grouping input.
- circle_size_lab
text label for the circle size slider input.
- opts_btn_lab
text label for the dropdown menu button.
- download_lab
text label for the download button.
- full_screen
Add button to card to with the option to enter full screen mode?
- df
Data frame or tibble of patient level or aggregated data. Can be either a shiny reactive or static dataset.
- show_parent_borders
Show borders of parent boundary levels?
- choro_lab
Label for attack rate choropleth (only applicable if
contains population data)- choro_pal
Colour palette passed to
for attack rate choropleth (only applicable ifgeo_data
contains population data)- choro_opacity
Opacity of choropleth colour (only applicable if
contains population data)- export_width
The width of the exported map image.
- export_height
The height of the exported map image.
- time_filter
supply the output of
wrapped in ashiny::reactive()
here to filter the data by click events on the time module bar chart (clicking a bar will filter the data to the period the bar represents)- filter_info
If contained within an app using
, supply thefilter_info
object returned by that function here wrapped in ashiny::reactive()
to add filter information to chart exports.- filter_reset
If contained within an app using
, supply thefilter_reset
object returned by that function here wrapped in ashiny::reactive()
to reset any click event filters that have been set from by module.
A bslib::card UI element with options and download button and a leaflet map.
The server function returns the leaflet map's shape click information as a list.
# example package data
data("df_ll") # linelist
data("sf_yem") # sf geo boundaries for Yemen admin 1 & 2
# setup geo data for adm1 and adm2 using the
# geo_layer function to be passed to the place module
# if population variable is provided, attack rates
# will be shown on the map as a choropleth
geo_data <- list(
layer_name = "Governorate", # name of the boundary level
sf = sf_yem$adm1, # sf object with boundary polygons
name_var = "adm1_name", # column with place names
pop_var = "adm1_pop", # column with population data (optional)
join_by = c("pcode" = "adm1_pcode") # geo to data join vars: LHS = sf, RHS = data
layer_name = "District",
sf = sf_yem$adm2,
name_var = "adm2_name",
pop_var = "adm2_pop",
join_by = c("pcode" = "adm2_pcode")
# range of dates used in filter module to filter time period
date_range <- range(df_ll$date_notification, na.rm = TRUE)
# define date variables in data as named list to be used in app
date_vars <- c(
"Date of notification" = "date_notification",
"Date of onset" = "date_symptom_start",
"Date of hospitalisation" = "date_hospitalisation_start",
"Date of outcome" = "date_hospitalisation_end"
# define categorical grouping variables
# in data as named list to be used in app
group_vars <- c(
"Governorate" = "adm1_origin",
"Sex" = "sex_id",
"Hospitalised" = "hospitalised_yn",
"Vaccinated measles" = "vacci_measles_yn",
"Outcome" = "outcome"
# user interface
ui <- page_sidebar(
title = "epishiny",
# sidebar
sidebar = filter_ui(
group_vars = group_vars,
date_range = date_range,
period_lab = "Notification period"
# main content
col_widths = c(12, 7, 5),
id = "map",
geo_data = geo_data,
group_vars = group_vars
id = "curve",
title = "Time",
date_vars = date_vars,
group_vars = group_vars,
ratio_line_lab = "Show CFR line?"
person_ui(id = "age_sex")
# app server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
app_data <- filter_server(
id = "filter",
df = df_ll,
date_var = "date_notification",
group_vars = group_vars
id = "map",
df = reactive(app_data()$df),
geo_data = geo_data,
group_vars = group_vars,
filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)
id = "curve",
df = reactive(app_data()$df),
date_vars = date_vars,
group_vars = group_vars,
show_ratio = TRUE,
ratio_var = "outcome",
ratio_lab = "CFR",
ratio_numer = "Deceased",
ratio_denom = c("Deceased", "Healed", "Abandonment"),
filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)
id = "age_sex",
df = reactive(app_data()$df),
age_var = "age_years",
sex_var = "sex_id",
male_level = "Male",
female_level = "Female",
filter_info = reactive(app_data()$filter_info)
# launch app
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui, server)